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Autism Friendly Solicitors


Autism Friendly

At Levins Solicitors we are proud to be an Autism Friendly business. One of our partners, has personal experience of a close family member with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC).  Her aim is to ensure that as many places as possible are autism friendly.  Minor changes can reduce the stress levels of someone with ASC.  For example, she recently visited St Helens Rugby League, Totally Wicked Stadium, with her family.  The staff adapted the day in order to make it suitable for a young person with specific sensory needs.  This allowed the whole family to enjoy the day.

More inclusivity

We have found that increasingly more shops and restaurants are becoming autism friendly.  There are many ways this can be achieved such as reducing the sound of music, dimming lights or creating special events.

Merseyside Police are training their staff to ensure that they can deal with people who are autistic.  The Attention Card has been designed to be carried by a person with a medical diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition or Asperger’s Syndrome. This allows the cardholder’s difficulties to be recorded onto Merseyside’s Police’s intelligence data system, flagging them as vulnerable. This is important for victims of crime and suspects alike.

We decided that as a firm of solicitors we needed to do more.  We sent staff on training and became a Liverpool Autism Champion.  We are proud to announce that we have a designed a social story/visual support for visitors to our office.  This is a visual aid for those people who find it less stressful to plan ahead.  As far as we know we are the first firm of solicitors to introduce a social story/ visual support.

If you or a family member would like to instruct Levins and would benefit from adaptations, please do not hesitate to call or email or to discuss matters in advance of your visit.








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