Reception 0151 480 5777
24 hour police station 0151 480 5833

Am I eligible to apply for a non-molestation order ?

In order to apply you must be “associated” to the abuser. This usually means that you are married or partners.

You can also apply if you are relatives. We would be able to discuss whether you meet the criteria when we have our initial chat with you.



Divorce Solicitor Liverpool

Am I eligible for Legal Aid?

Legal Aid is available but it is subject to a means application.

This means that the people with the lowest incomes are likely to be able to obtain Legal Aid. Those on higher incomes may not be eligible but we will be able to advise you on our initial call.

I am eligible and I can get Legal Aid. What next ?

We would apply to the court for an order to be made against the abuser. You will provide a sworn statement detailing the domestic abuse. Sometimes, the person is advised of the hearing and has an opportunity to attend and make their own representations.

However, if there is a risk that by making the application the abuser could be violent or threatening towards you, an “ex-parte” application can be made. This means that the abuser is not given notice of the hearing.


If you need any further assistance please give us a call on 0151 480 5777 or fill in our contact form below.

Why choose levins?

If you want to discuss applying for a non-molestation order, give our family department a call.  We can discuss legal aid with you and eligibility.  It can be hard to pick up the phone but our friendly and sympathetic team are ready to talk to you.

Levins Solicitors have been awarded a contract to offer Legal Aid where eligible and in the alternative we are happy to discuss alternative ways to fund your case with you.

Non-Molestation Solicitor Liverpool: Whatever the issue, we are here to help. We’re professional, approachable and friendly and will give you clear advice on how best to proceed.